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如下面的这个写作题目:现在的年轻人是否比过去的年轻人更爱帮助别人?下面选择的立场是现在的年轻人更爱帮助别人。其中一个主体段从“现在的年轻人用很多传统的方式帮助别人”的角度论证,下面这个段落则从“现在的年轻人用很多新型的方式帮助别人”的角度来论证。Besides helping others in conventional ways, nowadays, young people tend to help others in various new ways. They take advantage of their new abilities and skills to help others.
Some computer talents go to help the senior citizens in the community send emails or make contact with their children overseas; some English majors go to help foreigners as tour guides or language partners; some people with a background in economics set up new banks to help farmers invest in their farmland and expand their production.
再如写作题目:是否应该在交通高峰期向司机征收一定的费用?考生不同意这种做法,这个段落给出的理由是“这样不仅不会缓解交通状况,而且可能加重交通拥堵的状况。”Besides, charging money will not improve the traffic situation in rush hour but will bring more traffic jams. For one thing, because the fee that drivers pay for a single time may seem cheap, drivers probably don’t mind when they are asked to pay it. In this case, the fee will not prevent too many drivers from driving when the traffic is heavy. For another thing, it is difficult to take the action of charging drivers money during heavy traffic. If toll stations are set up at the entrances of the main streets, they will create a very long queue of cars outside the stations waiting to pay the fees to get through. Not only is this inconvenient, but it also makes the traffic worse and drivers may become more anxious when waiting for a long time to pass the toll stations. Thus, this action will not case the pressure of traffic jam.
在运用并列列举的方法时,考生需要注意段落内部层次和逻辑的清晰性,段落内部不同层次之间不能交叉重叠。考生在写作时可以使用一些表达方式来增强层次感,比如“first,to begin with,to start with,besides,in addition,additionally,furthermore,finally,lastly,for one thing,for another thing”等。


