常用英语口语800句 生活交际基本对话

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常用英语口语是在学校、或者是英语课本中学习不到的英语口语,主要涉及的话题有酒店、问路、交通等等。常用英语口语有常用英语口语See you later.待会儿见。Should I go this way,or that way?我应走这条路还是那条?

常用英语口语800句 生活交际基本对话


  • 1. Hello! / Hi! 你好!
  • 2. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好!
  • 3. I'm kathy king. 我是凯西·金。
  • 4. Are you peter smith? 你是彼得·史密斯吗?
  • 5. Yes, i am. / no, i'm not. 是,我是。/ 不,我不是。
  • 6. How are you? 你好吗?
  • 7.Fine, thanks. and you? 很好,谢谢,你呢?
  • 8. I'm fine, too. 我也很好。
  • 9. See you later. 待会儿见。
  • 10.I have to go now. 我必须走了。



  • 1. Is that a car? 那是一辆小汽车吗?
  • 2. No, it isn't. it's a bus. 不,那是一辆公共汽车。
  • 3. What do you call this in english? 这个用英语怎么说?
  • 4. What is the color of your new book? 你的新书是什么颜色的?
  • 5. How big is your house? 你的房子有多大?
  • 6. How long is the street? 这条街有多长?
  • 7. What's the name of the cat? 这猫叫什么名字?
  • 8. Where's the company? 那个公司在哪儿?
  • 9. Which is the right size? 哪个尺码是对的?
  • 10. What's this? 这是什么?



  • 1. What's your name? 你叫什么名字?
  • 2. My name is Tom. 我叫汤姆。
  • 3. Who is the lady in white? 穿白衣服的那位小姐是谁?
  • 4. Could you introduce me to her? 你能把我介绍给她吗?
  • 5. Rose, let me introduce my friend to you. 罗斯,让我介绍一下我的朋友。
  • 6. This is Tom. he's my classmate. 这是汤姆。我的同学。
  • 7. Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。
  • 8. Nice to meet you, too. 认识你我也很高兴。
  • 9. Let me introduce myself. 让我自我介绍一下。
  • 10. How do you do? 你好!



  • 1. What day is it today? 今天星期几?
  • 2. It's monday today. 今天是星期一。
  • 3. What's the date today? 今天是几号?
  • 4. It's january the 15th, 1999. 今天是1999年1月15日。
  • 5. What month is this? 现在是几月?
  • 6. It's december. 现在是十二月。
  • 7. What time? 什么时候?
  • 8. You name the time. 你定时间吧。
  • 9. I'll meet you tomorrow. 我们明天见面。
  • 10. It's been 15 years since i last saw you. 我已经15年没见你了。



  • 1. What's this? 这是什么?
  • 2. It's an air-conditioner. 这是空调。
  • 3. Is this yours? 这是你的吗?
  • 4. Yes, it's mine. 是的,是我的。
  • 5. Where are my glasses? 我的眼镜在哪儿?
  • 6. Do you know where i've put my glasses? 你知道我把眼镜搁哪儿了吗?
  • 7. It's over there. 在那边。
  • 8. It's on the desk. 在桌上。
  • 9. Is this your pen? I found it under the desk. 这是你的笔吗?我在桌下捡的。
  • 10.Which is your favorite? 哪个是你最喜欢的?
  • 如果你对自己的口语还是不太自信,可以考虑上英语培训班,毕竟专业的指导老师会让你事半功倍,节约时间让给其他薄弱环节。



  • 1. Hello.你好!
  • 2. Good morning.早晨好!
  • 3. I’m John Smith.我是约翰、史密斯。
  • 4. Are you Bill Jones?你是比尔、琼斯吗?
  • 5. Yes,I am.是的,我是。
  • 6. How are you?你好吗?
  • 7. Fine,thanks.很好,谢谢。
  • 8. How is Helen?海伦好吗?
  • 9. She’s very well,thank you. 她很好,谢谢您。
  • 10. Good afternoon,Mr. Green.午安,格林先生。
  • 11. Good evening,Mrs. Brown.晚上好,布朗夫人。
  • 12. How are you this evening?今晚上您好吗?
  • 13. Good night,John.晚安,约翰。
  • 14. Good-bye,Bill.再见,比尔。
  • 15. See you tomorrow.明天见。
  • 16. Come in,please. 请进!
  • 17. Sit down. 坐下!
  • 18. Stand up,please. 请站起来。
  • 19. Open your book,please. 请把书打开。
  • 20. Close your book,please. 请把书合上。
  • 21. Don’t open your book. 别打开书。
  • 22. Do you understand?你明白了吗?
  • 23. Yes,I understand. 是的,我明白了。
  • 24. No,I don’t understand. 不,我不明白。
  • 25. Listen and repeat. 先听,然后再重复一遍。
  • 26. Now read,please. 现在请大家读。
  • 27. That’s fine. 好得很。
  • 28. It’s time to begin. 到开始的时候了。
  • 29. Let’s begin now. 现在让我们开始。
  • 30. This is Lesson One. 这是第一课。
  • 31. What’s this? 这是什么?
  • 32. That’s a book. 那是一本书。
  • 33. Is this your book? 这是你的书吗?
  • 34. No,that’s not my book. 不,那不是我的书。
  • 35. Whose book is this? 这是谁的书?
  • 36. That’s your book. 那是你的书。
  • 37. And what’s that? 还有那是什么?
  • 38. Is that a book? 那是一本书吗?
  • 39. No,it isn’t. 不,不是。
  • 40. It’s a pencil. 那是一枝铅笔。
  • 41. Is it yours? 它是你的吗?
  • 42. Yes,it’s mine. 是,是我的。
  • 43. Where’s the door? 门在哪儿?
  • 44. There it is. 门在那儿。
  • 45. Is this book his? 这本书是他的吗?
  • 46. What are these? 这些是什么?
  • 47. Those are books. 那些是书。
  • 48. Where are the books? 那些书在哪儿?
  • 49. There they are. 在那儿。
  • 50. These are my pencils. 这些是我的铅笔。
  • 51. Where are your pens? 你的那些钢笔在哪儿?
  • 52. They’re over there. 在那里。
  • 53. Are these your pens? 这些是你的钢笔吗?
  • 54. Yes,they are. 是我的。
  • 55. Those are mine. 那些是我的。
  • 56. These are your books,aren’t they? 这些书是你的,对不对?
  • 57. No,they aren’t. 不,不是。
  • 58. They’re not mine. 不是我的。
  • 59. These are mine,and those are yours. 这些是我的,而那些是你的。
  • 60. Those aren’t your pens,are they? 那些钢笔不是你的,对吧?
  • 61. Who are you? 你是谁?
  • 62. I’m a student. 我是学生。
  • 63. Who is that over there? 那边那个人是谁?
  • 64. He’s a student,too. 他也是学生。
  • 65. Is that lady a student? 那位女士是学生吗?
  • 66. No,she isn’t. 不,她不是。
  • 67. Those men aren’t students,either. 那些人也不是学生。
  • 68. Am I your teacher? 我是你们的教员吗?
  • 69. Yes,you are. 是的,你是。
  • 70. That man is a teacher,isn’t he? 那个人是位教员,对不对?
  • 71. Yes,he is. 是的,他是。
  • 72. Who are those people? 那些人是谁?
  • 73. Maybe they’re farmers. 他们可能是农民。
  • 74. Aren’t they students? 他们不是学生吗?
  • 75. I really don’t know. 我真的不知道。
  • 76. What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?
  • 77. My name is Jones. 我姓琼斯。
  • 78. What’s your first name? 你的名字叫什么?
  • 79. My first name is Bill. 我的名字叫比尔。
  • 80. How do you spell your last name? 你的姓怎么拼法?
  • 81. Jones. J-O-N-E-S. 琼斯,J-O-N-E-S。
  • 82. What’s your friend’s name? 你的朋友叫什么名字?
  • 83. His name is John Smith. 他叫约翰、史密斯。
  • 84. John and I are old friends. 我和约翰是老朋友了。
  • 85. Are you John’s brother? 你是约翰的兄弟吗?
  • 86. No, I’m not. 不,我不是。
  • 87. This is Mr. Jones. 这是琼斯先生。
  • 88. How do you do? 你好!
  • 89. Mrs.Jones,this is Mr. John Smith. 琼斯夫人,这是约翰、史密斯先生。
  • 90. Very please to meet you. 见到您很高兴。
  • 91. What day is today? 今天是星期几?
  • 92. Today is Monday. 今天是星期一。
  • 93. What day was yesterday? 昨天是星期几?
  • 94. Yesterday was Sunday. 昨天是星期日。
  • 95. What day is tomorrow? 明天是星期几?
  • 96. What month is this? 现在是几月份?
  • 97. This is January. 现在是一月份。
  • 98. Last month was December,wasn’t it ? 上个月是十二月,对不对?
  • 99. Yes,it was. 是,是十二月份。
  • 100. What month is next month? 下个月是几月份?
  • 101. I was in the hospital for several weeks.
  • 我在医院里住了几个星期了。
  • 102. Where were you on Tuesday? 星期二你在哪里?
  • 103. You were here in February,weren’t you?
  • 二月份你曾在这里,对不对?
  • 104. No,I wasn’t . 不,我没有在这里。
  • 105. Your friend was here a week ago,wasn’t he?
  • 一个星期前,你的朋友曾在这里,是不是?
  • 106. Do you have a book? 你有一本书吗?
  • 107. Yes,I do. 是的,我有。
  • 108. You have a radio,don’t you? 你有一台收音机,对吗?
  • 109. No,I don’t . 不,我没有。
  • 110. I don’t have a phonograph,either. 我也没有留声机。
  • 111. Dees this radio belong to you? 这台收音机是你的吗?
  • 112. Yes,I think it does. 是的,我认为它是我的。
  • 113. How many sisters and brothers do you have?
  • 你有几个姊妹和兄弟?
  • 114. Don’t you have my hat? 你没拿我的帽子吧?
  • 115. Yes,I have both your hat and your coat.
  • 不,你的帽子和大衣都在我这里。
  • 116. Does John have a yellow pencil? 约翰有一支黄铅笔吗?
  • 117. Yes,he does. 是的,他有。
  • 118. He has a radio,doesn’t he? 他有一台收音机,对不对?
  • 119. No,he doesn’t have one. 不,他没有。
  • 120. He already has a phonograph,but he doesn’t have a radio yet.
  • 他已经有一架留声机,但是他还没有收音机。
  • 121. What time is it? 几点钟了?
  • 122. It’s two o’clock. 两点钟。
  • 123. It’s a few minutes after two. 两点过几分。
  • 124. My watch is fast and your watch Is slow.
  • 我的表快,而你的表慢。
  • 125. Excuse me.Can you tell me the correct time?
  • 对不起,你能告诉我一下准确的时间吗?
  • 126. No,I can’t . 不,我不能。
  • 127. I don’t know what time it is.
  • 我不知道现在几点钟。
  • 128. I don’t think it’s four o’clock yet.
  • 我认为现在还不到四点。
  • 129. It must be about three thirty. 现在想必是三点三十分左右。
  • 130. I get up before six o’clock every day. 每天我六点前起床。
  • 131. The restaurant doesn’t open until seven forty-five.
  • 饭馆要到七点四十五分才开门。
  • 132. Will you be here at ten o’clock tomorrow?
  • 请你明天十点到这里,行吗?
  • 133. Yes,I will. 行。
  • 134. We’ll be on time,won’t we? 我们将按时到,是吗?
  • 135. I hope so. 我希望如此。
  • 136. What’s the date today? 今天是几号?
  • 137. Today is November first,nineteen sixty-three.
  • 今天是一九六三年十一月一号。
  • 138. When were you born? 你是什么时候出生的?
  • 139. I was born on November first,nineteen thirty-five.
  • 我是一九三五年11月1日出生的。
  • 140. Today is my birthday. 今天是我的生日。
  • 141. My sister was born in nineteen thirty-eight.
  • 我的妹妹是一九三八年出生的。
  • 142. I don’t know the exact date. 我不知道确切的日子。
  • 143. Where were you born? 你出生在什么地方?
  • 144. I was born in a little town not far from here.
  • 我出生在离这儿不远的小城市里。
  • 145. What do you know about the tenth century?
  • 有关十世纪的事你知道些什么?
  • 146. I don’t know anything about that.
  • 关于那个我什么都不知道。
  • 147. Let’s talk about something else.
  • 让我们谈点别的什么吧。
  • 148. Where were you during the month of April last year?
  • 去年四月份你在哪里?
  • 149. I don’t remember where I was then.
  • 我不记得那时我在哪里。
  • 150. Where will you be nest year at this time? 151. What do you want? 你想要些什么?
  • 152. I want a cup of coffee. 我想来杯咖啡。
  • 153. What would you like to eat? 你想吃些什么?
  • 154. Please give me a piece of pie.请给我来片馅饼。
  • 155. Which one would you like--this one or that one?
  • 你想要哪一个?这一个还是那一个?
  • 156. It doesn’t matter to me. 随便就可以了。
  • 157. I’d like to talk with Mr. Johns or Mr. Smith.
  • 我想和约翰先生或史密斯先生讲话。
  • 158. I’m sorry, but both of them are busy right now.
  • 很抱歉,他们都在忙。
  • 159. Wouldn’t you like some coffee? 不想来点咖啡吗?
  • 160. I’d rather have some tea, if you don’t mind.
  • 如果你不介意的话,请给我来杯茶。
  • 161. Do you know any of those people? 你认识这些人吗?
  • 162. Two or three of them look familiar. 我和其中的两三个人比较熟。
  • 163. All of those men are friends of mine. 他们都是我的朋友。
  • 164. Which one of those men is Mr. Taylor? 这些人中哪个是泰勒先生?
  • 165. Is he the tall man on the left? 在左边的那个高个男士是不是他?
  • 明年这个时候你将在哪里?
  • 166. Do you speak English? 你会讲英语吗?
  • 167. Yes, a little.是的,会一点。
  • 168. Does your friend speak English? 你的朋友会讲英语吗?
  • 169. Yes, he speaks English perfectly.会而且讲得很好.
  • 170. What’s his native language? 他的母语是什么?
  • 171. I don’t know what his native language is.
  • 我不知道他的母语是什么。
  • 172. How many languages do you speak? 你能讲几种语言?
  • 173. My friend reads and writes several languages.
  • 我的朋友能读写几种语言。
  • 174. How well do you know French? 你的法语程度怎样?
  • 175. He speaks French with an American accent.
  • 他讲的是带着美国口音的法语。
  • 176. My parents speak English perfectly.
  • 我父母能讲很好的英语。
  • 177. Mr. Jones can speak French pretty well.
  • 钟斯先生能讲很好的法语。
  • 178. Sometimes I make mistakes when I speak English.
  • 有时候,我会在讲英语时犯一些错误。
  • 179. I have a lot of trouble with pronunciation.
  • 我的发音存在一些问题。
  • 180. How is her accent in French? 他语时的口音怎样?
  • 181. What are you doing? 你在干什么?
  • 182. I’m reading a book.我在看书。
  • 183. What’s your friend doing? 你的朋友在干什么?
  • 184. He’s studying his lesson. 他在做他的功课。
  • 185. I’m not doing anything right now.我无事可做。
  • 186. Where are you going? 你想去哪?
  • 187. I’m going home.我想回家。
  • 188. What time are you coming back? 你什么时候回来?
  • 189. I’m not sure what time I’m coming back.
  • 我不确定我什么时候能回来。
  • 190. What are you thinking about? 你在想什么?
  • 191. I’m thinking about my lesson. 我在想我的功课。
  • 192. Who are you writing to? 你在给谁写信?
  • 193. I’m writing to a friend of mine in South American.
  • 我在给我南美的一位朋友写信。
  • 194. By the way,who are you waiting for?
  • 顺便问一句,你在等谁?
  • 195. I’m not waiting for anybody.我谁也不等。
  • 196. How old are you? 你多大了?
  • 197. I’m twenty-one years old. 我21岁了。
  • 198. My brother is not quite twenty-five.
  • 我的哥哥没有25岁。
  • 199. John is not forty-five yet,is he?
  • 约翰还没有45岁,是吗?
  • 200. Mr. Smith is still in his fifties.
  • 史密斯先生50多岁了。
  • 201. I’m two years older than you are.
  • 我比你大两岁。
  • 202. My brother is two years younger than I am.
  • 我的弟弟比我小两岁。
  • 203. How many are there in your family?
  • 你家几口人?
  • 204. There are seven of us altogether.
  • 我家总共七口人。
  • 205. My sister is the oldest. 我的姐姐最大。
  • 206. I’m the youngest.我最小。
  • 207. Guess how old I am. 猜猜我多大。
  • 208. I’d say yor’re about twenty-three.
  • 我猜你可能23岁。
  • 209. I was thirty on my last birthday. 我
  • 已经过了30岁的生日 。
  • 210. I’m going to be sixty-one next Tuesday.
  • 下周二我就要61岁了。
  • 211. What time do you get up every day?
  • 你平常几点起床?
  • 212. I usually wake up early.我通常很早起床。
  • 213. I get up at 6 o’clock every day.我每天6:00起床。
  • 214. My brother gets up later than I do.
  • 我的哥哥比我起床要晚。
  • 215. After I get dressed,I have breakfast.
  • 我穿好衣服后吃早餐。
  • 216. Usually,I have a big breakfast.
  • 通常我的早餐比较丰盛。
  • 217. I have juice,toast and coffee for breakfast.
  • 我早餐通常有果汁,面包和咖啡。
  • 218. I leave the house at eight a.m. each day.
  • 每天我都会在早上8:00离开我家。
  • 219. I get to work at nine o’clock every morning.
  • 我会在每天早上9:00开始工作。
  • 220. I work hard all morning.
  • 每天早上我都会很努力地工作。
  • 221. I go out for lunch at about 12:30.
  • 我中午12:30出去吃午餐。
  • 222. I finish working at 5:45 p.m.
  • 我在下午5:45分完成我的工作。
  • 223. I eat dinner at about 7 o’clock.
  • 我会在晚上7:00吃晚饭。
  • 224. Before I eat dinner,I read the newspaper for a while.
  • 在吃晚饭之前,我会看一会报纸。
  • 225. I usually go to bed at about midnight.
  • 我通常午夜才睡觉。
  • 226. What time did you get up yesterday morning?
  • 你昨天早上几点钟起的床?
  • 227. I woke up early and got up at 6 o’clock.
  • 我醒得很早,在6:00起的床。
  • 228. My brother got up earlier than I did.
  • 我的哥哥比我起得早。
  • 229. Did you get dressed ? 你穿好衣服了吗?
  • 230. Yes, I got dressed and had breakfast.
  • 是的,我穿好衣服而且吃完早餐了。
  • 231. What kind of breakfast did you have?
  • 你吃的什么样的早餐?
  • 232. What time did you get to work yesterday morning?
  • 昨天早上你几点钟去上的班?
  • 233. I left the house at 8 o’clock and got to work at 8:30.
  • 我 8:00离开的家,8:30开始的工作。
  • 234. Did you work all day? 你全天都在工作吗?
  • 235. Yes, I worked from early morning until late at night.
  • 是的,我从早上一直工作到深夜。
  • 236. At noon I had lunch with a friend of mine.
  • 中午,我和朋友去吃的午饭。
  • 237. I finished working at 5:30 and went home.
  • 我在5:30完成的工作然后回家了。
  • 238. After dinner I read a magazine and made some telephone calls.
  • 晚饭过后,我看了一期杂志然后打了几个电话。
  • 239. I went to bed at 11:30 p.m. 我在晚上11:30上的床。
  • 240. I went to sleep immediately and slept soundly all night.
  • 我一会就入睡了,而且睡得很好。
  • 241. Where did you go yesterday? 昨天你去哪了?
  • 242. I went to see a friend of mine.我去拜访了一位朋友。
  • 243. Did you see Mr. Jones yesterday? 昨天你见过钟斯先生吗?
  • 244. I didn’t see Mr. Jones,but I saw John .
  • 我没见过,不过我见过约翰先生。
  • 245. What did you talk about? 你们刚才在讲什么?
  • 246. We talked about a lot of things. 我们刚才在说一些事情。
  • 247. I asked him a lot of questions. 我问了他一些问题。
  • 248. What did you ask him? 你问过他什么?
  • 249. I asked him if he spoke English. 我问他是否会讲英语?
  • 250. He said he spoke a little English. 他说他会讲一点。
  • 251. Then I asked him if he knew anybody in New York .
  • 接着我就问他是否认识在纽约的人?
  • 252. He said he knew a lot of people there.
  • 他说他认识很多那里的人。
  • 253. Finally,I asked him how old he was.最后我问他多大了?
  • 254. He said he would rather not tell his age.
  • 他说他不想提及他的年龄。
  • 255. He answered almost all of my questions.
  • 他几乎回答了我所有的问题。
  • 256. What time did you use to get up last year?
  • 去年你通常几点起床?
  • 257. I used to wake up early and get up at 7 o’clock.
  • 我过去常常醒得很早,在7:00左右起床。
  • 258. I used to set my alarm clock for exactly 7 a.m.
  • 我过去常常把我的闹钟定在上午7:00钟。
  • 259. I never used to oversleep.我从不睡懒觉。
  • 260. I used to get dressed quickly every morning.我通常穿衣服很快。
  • 261. I always used to leave for work at 8:30.我过去常常在8:30去工作。
  • 262. I used to start working at 9:00 o’clock every day.
  • 我过去常常在每天9:00开始工作。
  • 263. I used to have lunch every day at the same time.
  • 我过去常常在每天同一时间吃午餐。
  • 264. I used to work until nearly 6:00 o’clock each day.
  • 我过去常常工作到6:00左右。
  • 265. I used to have dinner at 7:30 and go to bed early.
  • 我过去常常在7:30吃晚饭,而且睡觉很早。
  • 266. My brother and I used to go a lot of places together.
  • 我和我哥哥过去常常一起去一些地方。
  • 267. We used to go to the movies about once a week.
  • 我们过去常常一周去看一次电影。
  • 268. We used to have a lot of interesting friends.
  • 我们过去有一些很有趣的朋友。
  • 269. My brother used to speak French to me all the time.
  • 我的哥哥过去总是给我语。
  • 270. I always used to ask him a lot of questions.
  • 我过去常常问他一些问题。 271. Where do you live? 你住在哪里?
  • 272. I live on Washington Street. 我在华盛顿街住。
  • 273. What’s your address? 你的地址是什么?
  • 274. I live at 1203 Washington Street.
  • 我住在华盛顿街1203号。
  • 275. I’m Mr. Smith’s next door neighbor.
  • 我是史密斯先生的邻居。
  • 276. You live here in the city,don’t you?
  • 你住在这个城市,对吗?
  • 277. I’m from out of town. 我来自城镇。
  • 278. How long have you lived here? 你在这住了多久了?
  • 279. I’ve lived here for five years. 我在这住了5年了。
  • 280. He’s known me for over ten years.
  • 我们相识十余年了。
  • 281. I’ve spoken English all my life. 我终生讲英语。
  • 282. I’ve already read that book. 我已经读完了那本书。
  • 283. Has he studied French very long?
  • 他学法语很长时间了吗?
  • 284. Have you had breakfast already? 你吃过早饭了吗?
  • 285. Yes,I had breakfast two hours ago.
  • 是的,我在两小时前吃的早饭。
  • 286. Where were you yesterday afternoon? 昨天下午你在哪?
  • 287. I was at home all afternoon. 我整个下午都在家。
  • 288. I was writing some letters to friends of mine.
  • 我给我的朋友写了几封信。
  • 289. What were you doing at about 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon?
  • 昨天下午四点钟左右你在干什么?
  • 290. I was listening to the radio. 我在听广播。
  • 291. What were you doing when I called you on the telephone?
  • 我给你打电话时,你在干什么?
  • 292. When you called me, I was eating dinner.
  • 你给我打电话时,我在吃晚饭。
  • 293. When I saw Mr. Jones,he was talking with John Smith.
  • 我看到钟斯先生时,他在和约翰史密斯讲话。
  • 294. While you were writing letters,I was reading a book.
  • 你写信时我在看书。
  • 295. While we were having breakfast,John was talking on the telephone.
  • 当我们吃早餐时,约翰在打电话。
  • 296. Can you guess what I was doing this morning?
  • 猜猜看我今天早上在干什么?
  • 297. I can’t remember what John was doing yesterday afternoon.
  • 我记不起昨天下午约翰在干什么了。
  • 298. I’ve forgotten what he said his address was.
  • 我把他所说的他家的地址给忘了。
  • 299. I’ve forgotten what time he said he had dinner last night.
  • 我忘记了他昨晚几点钟吃的晚饭了?
  • 300. They called us just as we were having dinner.
  • 他们叫我们时,我们在吃晚饭。
  • 301. What color is your book? 你的书本是什么颜色的?
  • 302. My book has a dark blue cover. 我的书本的封面是深蓝色的。
  • 303. How much does that typewriter weigh? 那个打字机有多重?
  • 304. It’s not too heavy,but I don’t know the exact weight.
  • 它不是很重,但是我不知道它的精确重量。
  • 305. This round table weighs about forty-five pounds.
  • 这张圆桌子重45磅。
  • 306. What size suitcase do you own? 你的小提箱是什么尺码的?
  • 307. One of my suitcases is small,and the other one is medium size.
  • 其中一个提箱是小号的,另一个是中号的。
  • 308. I like the shape of that table.我喜欢那张桌子的形状。
  • 309. How long is Jones Boulevard Street?
  • Jones Boulevard街有多长?
  • 310. That street is only two miles long. 那条街只有两英里长。
  • 311. Will you please measure this window to see how wide it is?
  • 你能量量这个窗户,来确定它有多宽吗
  • 312. This window is just as wide as that one.
  • 这个窗户仅仅和那个一样宽。
  • 313. The walls are three inches thick. 这些墙有三英尺厚。
  • 314. This material feels soft.这种材料摸上去很软。
  • 315. This pencil is longer than that one. 这个铅笔比另一个长。
  • 316. Would you please tell Mr. John that I’m here?
  • 你能告诉约翰先生我在这吗?
  • 317. Take these books home with you tonight.
  • 今晚请把这些书带回家。
  • 318. Please bring me those magazines.
  • 请把那些杂志给我带来。
  • 319. Would you help me lift this heavy box?
  • 你能帮我将这个重盒子抬起来吗?
  • 320. Please ask John to turn on the lights.
  • 请告诉约翰把灯打开。
  • 321. Put your books down on the table.
  • 将你的书放在桌子上。
  • 322. Get me a hammer from the kitchen,will you?
  • 从厨房里给我拿个锤子,好吗?
  • 323. Hang up my coat in the closet ,will you please?
  • 能将我的大衣挂在壁橱里吗?
  • 324. Please don’t bother me now.I’m very busy.
  • 现在请别打搅我,我在忙。
  • 325. Would you mind mailing this letter for me?
  • 你介意帮我发这封邮件吗?
  • 326. If you have time,will you call me tomorrow?
  • 如果你有时间,明天给我打电话好吗?
  • 327. Please pick up those cups and saucers.
  • 请将那些茶杯和茶托整理好。
  • 328. Will you do me a favor? 你能帮个忙吗?
  • 329. Please count the chairs in that room.
  • 请数一下那个房间里的椅子的数目。
  • 330. Please pour this milk into that glass.
  • 请将这些牛奶到进玻璃杯里。
  • 331. Excuse me,sir.Can you give me some information?
  • 先生,打搅一下,你能告诉我一些信息吗?
  • 332. Can you tell me where Peach Street is?
  • 你能告诉我Peach Street在哪吗?
  • 333. It’s two blocks straight ahead.
  • 向前一直走,过两个街区就到了。"
  • 334. Which direction is it to the theatre?
  • 去戏院应走哪个方向?
  • 335. Turn right at the next corner。 在下个路口向右拐。
  • 336. How far is it to the university? 到大学还有多远?
  • 337. It’s a long way from here. 从这算起还有很长的一段路。
  • 338. The school is just around the corner. 学校就在拐角处。
  • 339. The restaurant is across the street from the hotel.
  • 旅馆穿过街道。
  • 340. You can’t miss it. 你不会错过的。
  • 341. Do you happen to know Mr. Cooper’s telephone number?
  • 你知道Cooper先生的电话号码吗?
  • 342. Could you tell me where the nearest telephone is?
  • 你能告诉我最近的电话在哪吗?
  • 343. Should I go this way,or that way?
  • 我应走这条路还是那条?
  • 344. Go that way for two blocks,then turn left.
  • 走那条路,穿过两个街区后向左拐。
  • 345. I beg your pardon.Is this seat taken?
  • 请问,这个座位有人坐了吗?
  • 346. Are you married? 你结婚了吗?
  • 347. No,I’m not married.I’m still single.
  • 没有,我仍然单身。
  • 348. Your niece is engaged,isn’t she?
  • 你的侄女订婚了是吗?
  • 349. My sister has been engaged for two months.
  • 我妹妹订婚两个月了。
  • 350. My grandfather got married in 1921.
  • 我祖父1921年结地婚。
  • 351. When is grandparents’ wedding anniversary?
  • 什么时候是你祖父母的结婚纪念日?
  • 352. How long have they been married? 他们结婚多久了?
  • 353. They’ve been married for quite a few years.
  • 他们结婚好些年了。
  • 354. Who did George marry? 乔治和谁结婚了?
  • 355. Do they have children? 你有孩子了吗?
  • 356. They had a baby last month. 他们上个月有的孩子。
  • 357. My son wants to get married in June.
  • 我的儿子打算六月份结婚。
  • 358. They don’t know when the wedding will be.
  • 他们不知道什么时候举行婚礼。
  • 359. Their grandchildren are grown up now.
  • 他们的孙子长大了。
  • 360. She’s a widow.Her husband died last year.
  • 她是个寡妇,他丈夫死于去年。
  • 361. Where did you grow up? 你在哪长大?
  • 362. I grew up right here in this neighborhood.
  • 我就在这临近长大。
  • 363. My friend spent his childhood in California .
  • 我的朋友童年在加利福尼亚度过。
  • 364. He lived in California until he was seventeen.
  • 他十七岁以前都在加利福尼亚居住。
  • 365. There have been a lot of changes here in the last 20 years.
  • 在过去的二十年间,这里发生了很多的变化。
  • 366. There used to be a grocery store on the corner.
  • 以前拐角处有一个杂货店。
  • 367. All of those houses have been built in the last ten years.
  • 所有的房子都是在最近十年里建成的。
  • 368. They’re building a new house up the street .
  • 这个街上正在建一个新房子。
  • 369. If you buy that home, will you spend the rest of your life there?
  • 如果你买了那间房,你会在那度过你的余生吗?
  • 370. Are your neighbors very friendly? 你的邻居们友好吗?
  • 371. We all know each other pretty well.
  • 我们彼此之间有很深的了解。
  • 372. A young married couple moved in next door to us.
  • 一对新婚夫妇搬进了我们隔壁。
  • 373. Who bought that new house down the street from you?
  • 谁买了你们街上那头的新房?
  • 374. An old man rented the big white house.
  • 一个老人租了那个大的白房子。
  • 375. What beautiful trees those are! 多漂亮的树呀!
  • 376. What time are you going to get up tomorrow morning?
  • 明天早上你打算几点起床?
  • 377. I’ll probably wake up early and get up at 6:30.
  • 我可能会起的比较早,大约在6:30起床。
  • 378. What will you do then? 然后你做些什么呢?
  • 379. After I get dressed,I’ll have breakfast.
  • 穿上衣服后我将吃早饭。
  • 380. What will you have for breakfast tomorrow morning?
  • 明天的早餐你吃什么呢?
  • 381. I’ll probably have eggs and toast for breakfast.
  • 早餐我可能会吃土司面包和鸡蛋。
  • 382. After breakfast,I’ll get ready to go to work.
  • 吃完早餐后我会准备一下去上班。
  • 383. I’ll leave the house at 8:00 and get to the office at 8:30.
  • 我将会在8:00离开房间然后在8:30到达办公室。
  • 384. I’ll probably go out for lunch at about 12:30.
  • 我将会在12:30去吃午饭。
  • 385. I’ll finish working at 5:30 and get home by 6 o’clock.
  • 我将在5:30完成工作然后在6:00前到家。
  • 386. Are you going to have dinner at home tomorrow night?
  • 明天晚上你会在家吃晚餐吗?
  • 387. Do you think you’ll go to the movies tomorrow night?
  • 明天晚上你会去看电影吗?
  • 388. I’ll probably stay home and watch television.
  • 我可能呆在家看电视。
  • 389. When I get sleepy,I’ll probably get ready for bed.
  • 当我感到困的时候,我就准备上床睡觉。
  • 390. Do you think you’ll be able to go to sleep right away?
  • 你现在能去睡觉吗?
  • 391. How is the weather today? 今天的天气怎样?
  • 392. The weather is nice today. 今天天气很好。
  • 393. What was the weather like yesterday?
  • 昨天天气怎样?
  • 394. Yesterday it rained all day.昨天下了一天的雨。
  • 395. What will the weather be like tomorrow?
  • 明天天气怎样?
  • 396. It’s going to snow tomorrow.明天有雪。
  • 397. It’s quite cold today.今天真冷。
  • 398. It’s been cloudy all morning.整个早上都多云。
  • 399. Is it raining now? 现在在下雨吗?
  • 400. It’ll probably clear up this afternoon.
  • 今天下午可能会晴天。
  • 401. The days are getting hotter. 天气在转暖。
  • 402. Today is the first day of spring.今天是春天的第一天。
  • 403. What’s the temperature today? 今天的气温是多少?
  • 404. It’s about seventy degrees Fahrenheit this afternoon.
  • 今天下午华氏温度70度。
  • 405. There’s a cool breeze this evening. 今晚有股冷风。
  • 406. How are you feeling today? 今天感觉怎样?
  • 407. I don’t feel very well this morning.
  • 今天早上我感觉并不好。
  • 408. I was sick yesterday, but I’m better today.
  • 昨天我病了,不过今天好了。
  • 409. My fever is gone,but I still have a cough.
  • 我已经不发烧了,不过仍咳嗽。
  • 410. My brother has a bad headache. 我哥哥很头痛。
  • 411. Which of your arms is sore? 你的哪个胳膊痛?
  • 412. My right arm hurts. It hurts right here.
  • 我的右胳膊受伤了。它就伤在这儿。
  • 413. What’s matter with you? 你怎么了?
  • 414. I’ve got a pain in my back. 我背痛。
  • 415. Which foot hurts?Is it the left one?
  • 哪个脚受伤了?是不是左边的脚?
  • 416. How did you break your leg? 你怎样弄伤的脚?
  • 417. I slipped on the stairs and fell down.I broke my leg.
  • 我在楼梯上滑了一下摔倒了,就弄伤了我的脚。
  • 418. Your right hand is swollen.Does it hurt?
  • 你的右手肿了。是不是受伤了?
  • 419. It’s bleeding.You’d better go see a doctor about that cut.
  • 你的伤口在流血,你最好去医生那看看。
  • 420. I hope you’ll be well soon.希望你快些好。
  • 421. I get out of bed about 7 oclock every morning.
  • 每天早上我7:00起床。
  • 422. After getting up,I go into the bathroom and take a shower.
  • 起来以后我会进浴室冲个澡。
  • 423. Then,I brush my teeth and comb my hair. 然后我刷牙梳头。
  • 424. After brushing my teeth,I put on my clothes. 我刷完牙后穿衣。
  • 425. After that,I go downstairs to the kitchen to have breakfast.
  • 然后,我下楼到厨房去吃早饭。
  • 426. After eating breakfast,I go back upstairs again.
  • 吃完早饭后,我再上楼。
  • 427. Then,it’s usually time to wake up my little brother.
  • 这时通常到了我叫醒我小弟弟的时间了。
  • 428. He can’t dress himself yet because he’s too young.
  • 因为他太小,他还不会自己穿衣。
  • 429. I wash his face and hands,and then I dress him.
  • 我给他洗脸洗手,然后给他穿衣。
  • 430. He tries to button his own shirt,but he can’t do it.
  • 他试着自己系纽扣,但总是失败。
  • 431. My little brother takes a bath before he goes to bed at night.
  • 我的弟弟在晚上上床之前通常洗个澡。
  • 432. He always forgets to wash behind his ears.
  • 他总是忘记洗耳朵的后面。
  • 433. I’m always tired when I come home from work.
  • 下班以后我通常很累。
  • 434. At bedtime, I take off my clothes and put on my pajamas.
  • 晚上我脱掉我的衣服,换上睡衣。
  • 435. I get into bed at about 11:30 and go right off to sleep.
  • 我11:30上床睡觉,一会就会入睡。
  • 436. What do you think?Is that right?
  • 你认为怎样?是否正确?
  • 437. Cetainly.You’re absolutely right about that.
  • 当然,你完全正确。
  • 438. I think you’re mistaken about that.
  • 我觉得你是错误的。
  • 439. I like hot weather best. 我最喜欢热天气。
  • 440. Personally,I prefer winter weather.
  • 就我个人而言,我比较喜欢冬天的天气。
  • 441. Do you think it’s going to rain tomorrow?
  • 你认为明天会下雨吗?
  • 442. I don’t know whether it will rain or not.
  • 我不知道明天会不会下雨。
  • 443. In my opinion,that’s an excellent idea.
  • 我认为这是个好主意。
  • 444. Why Mr. Cooper so tired?Do you have any idea?
  • 为什么Cooper先生这么累?你知道吗?
  • 445. He’s tired because he worked hard all day today.
  • 因为他工作了一整天,所以很累。
  • 446. What do you think of my children? 你觉得我的孩子怎样?
  • 447. I think you have very attractive children.
  • 我觉得你有很讨人喜欢的小孩儿。
  • 448. Please give me your frank opinion.
  • 请告诉我你真实的想法。
  • 449. Do you really want to know what I think?
  • 你真想知道我在想什么吗?
  • 450. Of course I want to know what your opinion is.
  • 当然,我很想知道你的观点。
  • 451. What do you plan to do tomorrow?
  • 明天你打算干什么?
  • 452. I doubt that I’ll do anything tomorrow.
  • 明天恐怕我什么也不做。
  • 453. Please excuse me for a little while. I want to do something.
  • 对不起,稍等会儿,我要办点事。
  • 454. I imagine I’ll do some work instead of going to the movies.
  • 我想干点事,不去看电影。
  • 455. Will it be convenient for you to explain your plans to him?
  • 你把你的计划向他讲一下,方便吗?
  • 456. There’s nothing to do because tomorrow is a holliday.
  • 明天没事做的,因为明天是周末。
  • 457. What’s your brother planning to do tomorrow?
  • 你哥哥明天计划去哪儿?
  • 458. He can’t decide what to do.
  • 他无法决定该做什么。
  • 459. It’s difficult to make a decision without knowing all the facts.
  • 不知道全部事实而去作决定是困难的。
  • 460. We’re trying to plan our future. 我们在努力计划我们的未来。
  • 461. That’s a good idea. 好想法。
  • 462. I’m hoping to spend a few days in the mountains.
  • 我希望在山上消磨几天。
  • 463. Would you consider going north this summer?
  • 你考虑今年夏天去北方吗?
  • 464. If there’s a chance you’ll go, I’d like to go with you.
  • 如果你有机会去的话,我想和你一起去。
  • 465. After you think it over, please let me know what you decide.
  • 在你仔细考虑之后,请让我知道你决定怎么做。 466. I’m anxious to know what your decision is.
  • 我很想知道你的决定。
  • 467. I’m confident you’ve made the right choice.
  • 我很有信心,你做了个正确的决定。
  • 468. I want to persuade you to change your mind.
  • 我希望能劝说你,以改变你的观点。
  • 469. Will you accept my advice? 你会接受我的建议吗?
  • 470. What have you decided? 你决定了什么?
  • 471. I’ve definitely decided to go to California.
  • 我一定去过加利福尼亚。
  • 472. He didn’t want to say anything to influence my decision.
  • 他什么都不想说,以免影响我的决定。
  • 473. She refuses to make up her mind.她拒绝下决心。
  • 474. I assume you’ve decided against buying a new car.
  • 我猜想你已经下定决心不再买新车了。
  • 475. It took him a long time to make up his mind.
  • 他用了很久才下定决心。
  • 476. You can go whenever you wish. 你可以去你想去的地方。
  • 477. We’re willing to accept your plan. 我们打算接受你的计划。
  • 478. He knows it’s inconvenient ,but he wants to go anyway.
  • 他知道不方便,但他无论如何都想走。
  • 479. According to Mr. Green, this is a complicated problem.
  • 听格林先生讲,这是一个复杂的问题。
  • 480. She insists that it doesn’t make any difference to her.
  • 她坚信那不会给她带来任何不同。
  • 481. Are you going to go any place this year?
  • 今年你打算去其他地方吗?
  • 482. If I have enough money,I’m going to take a trip abroad.
  • 如果我有足够的钱,我就会出国旅行。
  • 483. How are you going?Are you going by boat?
  • 你打算怎样去?是不是打算乘船去?
  • 484. It’s faster to go by plane than by boat.坐飞机比坐船快。
  • 485. What’s the quickest way to get there?
  • 到那儿最快的交通方式是什么?
  • 486. Altogether it will take ten days to make the trip.
  • 这次旅行可能要花费十天的时间。
  • 487. I hope you have a good time on your trip.祝你旅途愉快。
  • 488. I’m leaving tomorrow,but I haven’t packed my suitcases yet.
  • 我明天出发,但是现在还没有整理好我的箱子。
  • 489. I’m going by air.I like flying.我打算坐飞机去,我喜欢乘飞机。
  • 490. My brother took a trip to Mexico.我哥哥去了莫斯科旅行。
  • 491. It was a six-hour flight. 这是6小时的航程。
  • 492. How many passengers were on the train? 火车上有多少乘客?
  • 493. His friend was injured in an airplane crash.
  • 他的朋友在飞机事故中受伤。
  • 494. Would you like to go for a walk? 你喜欢去散散步吗?
  • 495. Let’s go out to the airport. The plane landed ten minutes ago.
  • 让我们去机场。飞机在十分钟前就已经着陆了。
  • 496. I’m going shopping because I need to buy some clothes.
  • 我想去商店,因为我需要买些衣服。
  • 497. If this shirt doesn’t fit,may I bring it back later?
  • 如果这个衬衫不合身,我能将它带回来吗?
  • 498. What size shoes do you wear?你穿多大号的鞋?
  • 499. That suit looks very good on you.你穿这个外套很合身。
  • 500. This dress is made of silk,isn’t it?
  • 这件衣服以丝绸为材料,是吗?
  • 501. I’d like to try on this sweater.我很想试一下这件毛衣。
  • 502. I’m interested in buying a new car.我很想买辆新车。
  • 503. What’s the price of that electric iron?那个熨斗多少钱?
  • 504. How much is this rug?这个地毯多少钱?
  • 505. Is this toothpaste on sale today?今天有牙膏卖吗?
  • 506. That’s a beautiful leather wallet,but it costs too much.
  • 这个皮钱夹很漂亮,但是太贵了。
  • 507. How much do I owe you?我欠你多少钱?
  • 508. That will be eighteen dollars and seventy-five cents.
  • 可能有18美元,外加75美分。
  • 509. Do you have change for a twenty-dollar bill?
  • 你能换开20美元的钱吗?
  • 510. The clerk helped me find what I wanted.
  • 这个职员帮我找到了我所需要的东西。
  • 511. What would you like to eat? 你想吃什么?
  • 512. I’d like a bowl of tamoto soup,please.
  • 请给我来碗西红柿汤。
  • 513. The waiter seems to be in a hurry to take our order.
  • 这个服务员看起来很着急的记下了我们所点的东西。
  • 514. Which would you rather have--steak or fish?
  • 你想来点什么?牛排还是鱼?
  • 515. I want my steak well-done. 我想要全熟的牛排。
  • 516. What kinds of vegetables do you have? 你想要哪种蔬菜?
  • 517. I’ll have mashed potatoes .我想要些土豆泥。
  • 518. Would you please pass the salt? 你能把盐递过来吗?
  • 519. They serve good food in this restaurant.
  • 在这个饭店中,他们供应很好的食物。
  • 520. Are you ready for your dessert now? 你准备好吃点心了吗?
  • 521. This knife is dirty.Would you bring me a clean one,please?
  • 这把刀子已经很脏了,你能带一个干净的来吗?
  • 522. May I check,please? 我能检查一下吗?
  • 523. You have your choice of three flavors of ice cream.
  • 你能选择三种口味的冰淇淋。
  • 524. We have vanilla,chocolate,and strawberry.
  • 我们有香草味的,巧克力味的,草莓味的。
  • 525. We invited two guests to dinner,but they didn’t come.
  • 我们邀请了两位客人来吃晚餐,但是他们没有来。
  • 526. How long did the movie last?
  • 电影持续了多久?
  • 527. The feature started at 9 o’clock and ended at 11:30.
  • 特写从九点种开始,一直持续到十一点半。
  • 528. They say the new film is an adventure story.
  • 他们讲,这个新影片是一个冒险。
  • 529. A group of us went out to the theater last night.
  • 昨天晚上我们去了戏院。
  • 530. The new play was good and everybody enjoyed it.
  • 这个新的戏剧很好,人们都喜欢。
  • 531. By the time we got there,the play had already begun.
  • 到我们到达时,戏剧已经开始了。
  • 532. The usher showed us to our seats.
  • 服务员把我们带到了坐位前。
  • 533. The cast of the play included a famous actor.
  • 这场戏剧的演员阵容里有一个很著名的演员。
  • 534. After the play was over,we all wanted to get something to eat.
  • 戏剧结束了以后,我们都想去吃点东西。
  • 535. There was a big crowd and we had difficulty getting a taxi.
  • 这里人很多,我们很难打到车。
  • 536. The restaurant was filled,so we decided to go elsewhere.
  • 这个饭店人已经满了,我们不得不去别处。
  • 537. My brother wants to learn how to dance. 我弟弟想学跳舞。
  • 538. We don’t go dancing very often. 我们不经常去跳舞。
  • 539. Which would you rather do--go dancing or go to cinema?
  • 你想干什么?去跳舞还是去看电影?
  • 540. I’m not accustomed to going out after dark. 我不习惯晚上出去。
  • 541. I’d like to make an appointment to see Mr. Cooper.
  • 我想约定好时间去看看Cooper先生。
  • 542. Would you like to arrange for a personal interview?
  • 你想安排一个个人采访吗?
  • 543. Your appointment will be next Thursday at 10 o’clock.
  • 你的约会安排在下周四十点。
  • 544. I can come any day except Thursday. 我除了星期四每天都能来。
  • 545. He wants to change his appointment from Monday to Wednesday.
  • 他想将他的约会从周一改为周三。
  • 546. She failed to call the office to cancel her appointment.
  • 她没能让办公室取消她的约会。
  • 547. I’m going to call the employment agency for a job.
  • 我打算去招聘办公室去应聘。
  • 548. Please fill in this application form. 请填写这张申请表。
  • 549. Are you looking for a permanent position?
  • 你想应聘一个永久性职位吗?
  • 550. I’m going to call a plumber to come this afternoon.
  • 我想打个电话让铅管工今天下午来。
  • 551. I couldn’t keep the appointment because I was sick.
  • 我不能守约了,因为我病了。
  • 552. I’m a new employee.I was hired yesterday.
  • 我是一个新雇员。我昨天被录用的。
  • 553. Please call before you come,otherwise we might not be home.
  • 请在你来之前打个电话,不然我们有可能不在家。
  • 554. Let’s make a date to go shopping next Thursday.
  • 让我们约定好下周四去商店。
  • 555. Will you please lock the door when you leave?
  • 你离开时能把门锁上吗?
  • 556. I went to see my doctor for a check-up yesterday.
  • 我昨天想去我的医生那去检查检查。
  • 557. The doctor discovered that I’m a little overweight.
  • 医生发现我有些超重。
  • 558. He gave me a chest X-ray and took my blood pressure.
  • 他让我做了个x射线的胸透,给我又量了量血压。
  • 559. He told me to take these pills every four hours.
  • 他告诉我每四小时吃次药。
  • 560. Do you think the patient can be cured?
  • 你觉得这个病人能被治愈吗?
  • 561. They operated on him last night.昨天晚上他们给他做了手术。
  • 562. He needed a blood transfusion. 他需要输血。
  • 563. My uncle had a heart attack last year.
  • 我叔叔去年得了心脏病。
  • 564. They had to call in a heart specialist.
  • 他们需要一个心脏病专家。
  • 565. What did the doctor say? 医生说什么?
  • 566. The doctor advised me to get plenty of exercise.
  • 医生建议我多做些运动。
  • 567. The doctor said I look pale.
  • 医生说我看起来很苍白。
  • 568. If I want to be healthy,I have to stop smoking cigarettes.
  • 如果我想健康的话,我不得不戒烟。
  • 569. The physician said smoking is harmful to my health.
  • 内科医生告诉我吸烟有害健康。
  • 570. It’s just a mosquito bite.There’s nothing to worry about.
  • 只是被蚊子叮了下,不必担心。
  • 571. You’re wanted on the telephone. 有你的电话。
  • 572. What number should I dial to get the operator?
  • 我想接通接线员的电话,我应拨打什么号码?
  • 573. I want to make a long distance call. 我想打个长途。
  • 574. Pick up the receiver and deposit a coin in the slot.
  • 拿起话筒,然后将硬币投进硬币口中。
  • 575. I tried to call Mr. Cooper,but the line was busy.
  • 我想给Copper先生打电话,但是线路一直很忙。
  • 576. You must have dialed the wrong number.你一定打错电话了。
  • 577. I dialed the right number,but nobody answered.
  • 我拨的号码正确,但是没有人接听。
  • 578. The telephone is ringing,would you answer it,please?
  • 电话铃响了,你能接下电话吗?
  • 579. Would you like to leave a message? 你想留下什么口信儿吗?
  • 580. Who is this?I don’t recognize your voice.
  • 你是谁?我听不出你的声音。
  • 581. Would you please tell Mr. Cooper I called?
  • 你能告诉Cooper先生我打过电话吗?
  • 582. Is this Empire 5-4093? 是帝国5-4093吗?
  • 583. I have to hang up now. 现在我不得不挂断电话。
  • 584. Put the receiver closer to your mouth.I can’t hear you.
  • 将话筒靠近你的嘴,我听不见你的声音。
  • 585. Would you mind calling back sometime tomorrow?
  • 你介意明天再打过来吗?
  • 586. How long has it been since you’ve heard from your uncle?
  • 从你得到你的叔叔的信儿到现在已经多久了?
  • 587. When was the last time he wrote you ?
  • 他最后一次给你写信是什么时候?
  • 588. I can’t recall how long it’s been.
  • 我不能记起那是多久前了。
  • 589. I’m always disappointed when I don’t get any mail.
  • 我在收不到邮件时,总是很失望。
  • 590. I feel guilty because I haven’t written her lately.
  • 我总觉得该受责备,因为我后来没有给她回信。
  • 591. What time is the mail delivered on Saturday?
  • 一般周六什么时候送邮件?
  • 592. The postman always comes at 2 oclock. 邮递员通常在两点来。
  • 593. I wrote to my uncle last night.I couldnt put it off any longer.
  • 我昨晚给我叔叔写了封信。我不能再托了。
  • 594. I enclosed some photographs in my letter. 我在信里加了几张照片。
  • 595. I didn’t know whether to send the letter airmail or not.
  • 我不知道是否该寄航空信?
  • 596. How long does it take for a letter to get to California ?
  • 一封信要多久才能到加利福尼亚?
  • 597. Don’t forget to put stamps on the letter before you mail it.
  • 在你邮寄前别忘了贴邮票。
  • 598. He went to the post office to mail a letter.他去邮局邮信了。
  • 599. I dropped the letter in the mailbox on the corner.
  • 我在拐角处将信放在了邮箱里。
  • 600. How did you sign the letter? Did you write,“sincerely yours”?
  • 你怎样在信上填写,是601. A strange thing happened to me this morning.
  • 今天早上我发生了一件奇怪的事。
  • 601. A strange thing happened to me this morning.
  • 今天早上我发生了一件奇怪的事。
  • 602. I was crossing the street and was almost hit by a car.
  • 我穿过马路时差点被车撞伤。
  • 603. Fortunately,I jumped back in time to avoid being hit.
  • 幸运的是为了躲避被撞伤,我往后跳了下。
  • 604. It was a terrible experience,and I won’t forget it.
  • 真是个另人害怕的经历,我不会忘了。
  • 605. Yesterday was such a beautiful day we decided to go for a drive.
  • 昨天天气很好,所以我们开车去玩。
  • 606. We prepared a picnic lunch and drove down by the river.
  • 我们为野餐做准备,而且沿着小河而下。
  • 607. After a while,we found a shady place under some poplar trees.
  • 过了一会儿,我们在杨树下发现了阴凉的树阴。
  • 608. On the way back home,we were tired.回来的路上,我们都很累了。
  • 609. It was after dark when we got back,and we were all tired.
  • 我们回来时都已经很晚了,而且我们都很累。
  • 610. I wish you would give me a more detailed deion of your trip.
  • 我希望你能更详细地描述一下你的旅行。
  • 611. Speaking of trips,did I ever tell you about the experience I had?
  • 说到旅行,我以前没有对你谈到我的经历吗?
  • 612. We used to have a lot of fun when we were that age.
  • 那时我们经常有很多乐趣。
  • 613. I can’t recall the exact circumstances.
  • 我不能准确得回忆起当时的环境了。
  • 614. I never realized that someday I would be living in New York.
  • 我从没有想过,有一天我能住在纽约。
  • 615. We never imagined that John would become a doctor.
  • 我们从来没有想过约翰会成为一个医生。
  • 616. We’re looking for a house to rent for the summer.
  • 我们在寻找一间房子,想在夏天租住。
  • 617. Are you trying to find a furnished house?
  • 你是不是在寻找一间装修过的房子?
  • 618. This split-level house is for rent.It’s a bargain.
  • 这间分层的房间正在求租。价格很合理。
  • 619. That house is for sale.It has central heating.
  • 那间房子在出售。它是中央供暖的。
  • 620. We have a few kitchen things and a dining room set.
  • 我们有一些厨房用具和一套餐厅设备。
  • 621. This is an interesting floor plan.Please show me the basement.
  • 这是一个有趣的楼层计划。请带我到地下室去看看。
  • 622. The roof has leaks in it,and the front steps need to be fixed.
  • 屋顶内部有漏洞了,前面台阶也需要装修。
  • 623. We’ve got to get a bed and a dresser for the bedroom.
  • 我们在居住室中放置了一张窗和一个化妆台。
  • 624. Does the back door have a lock on it?
  • 后门有锁吗?
  • 625. They’ve already turned on the electricity.The house is ready.
  • 他们已经打开了电器。房间已经准备好了。
  • 626. I’m worried about the appearance of the floor.
  • 我担心地板的表面。
  • 627. If you want a towel,look in the linen closet.
  • 如果你需要枕巾的话,可以在亚麻制品壁橱中看看。
  • 628. What style furniture do you have ? Is it traditional?
  • 你有什么样式的家具?是传统型的吗?
  • 629. We have drapes for the living room,but we need kitchen curtains.
  • 在起居室中我们有些布帘,但是厨房中我们也需要一些窗帘。
  • 630. The house needs painting.It’s in bad condition.
  • 房子需要装饰。房子现在的状况比较糟糕。
  • 631. What do you going to wear today? 今天你想穿什么?
  • 632. I’m going to wear my blue suit.Is that all right?
  • 我想穿我的兰色外套。它准备好了吗?
  • 633. I have two suits to send to the cleaners.
  • 我将我的两件外套送到了清洗员那儿。
  • 634. I have some shirts to send to the laundry.
  • 我将我的一些衬衫送到了洗衣房。
  • 635. You ought to have that coat cleaned .
  • 你应该干洗一下那件的外套。
  • 636. I’ve got to get this shirt washed and ironed.
  • 我已经将我的这件衬衫洗和熨过了。
  • 637. All my suits are dirty.I don’t have anything to wear.
  • 我的外套都脏了。我没有穿的了。
  • 638. You’d better wear a light jacket.It’s chilly today.
  • 你最好穿件皮夹克。今天有些冷。
  • 639. This dress doesn’t fit me anymore.
  • 这件衣服已不合我身了。
  • 640. I guess I’ve outgrown this pair of trousers.
  • 我猜我现在已经超过我裤子长了。
  • 641. These shoes are worn-out.They’ve lasted a long time.
  • 这些鞋已经磨破了。它们撑了好久了。
  • 642. I can’t fasten this collar button.我系不上这个领子扣。
  • 643. Why don’t you get dressed now? Put on your work clothes.
  • 为何现在不着装呢?穿上你的工作服。
  • 644. My brother came in,changed his clothes,and went out again.
  • 我的母亲进来了,换好衣服后又出门了。
  • 645. I didn’t notice you were wearing your new hat.
  • 我没注意到你带了新帽子。
  • 646. You have your point of view,and I have mine.
  • 你有你的观点,我有我的观点。
  • 647. You approach it in a different way than I do.
  • 你以不同于我的方式探讨它。
  • 648. I won’t argue with you,but I think you’re being unfair.
  • 我不想和你争辩,但是我相信你是错误的。
  • 649. That’s a liberal point of view. 这是一个自由的见解。
  • 650. He seems to have a lot of strange ideas.
  • 他看上去总有很多奇怪的想法。
  • 651. I don’t see any point in discussing the question any further.
  • 我并没有看到涉及到进一步讨论地问题的观点。
  • 652. What alternatives do I have? 我还有什么方法?
  • 653. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion.
  • 每个人都有自己的观点。
  • 654. There are always two sides to everything.
  • 任何事物都有两面性。
  • 655. We have opposite views on this.
  • 关于这个问题,我有不同的观点。
  • 656. Please forgive me.I didn’t mean to start an argument.
  • 请原谅。我并不想引起争论。
  • 657. I must know your opinion.Do you agree with me?
  • 我必须了解你的想法。你同意我吗?
  • 658. What point are you trying to make?
  • 你想做出什么决定?
  • 659. Our views are not so far apart,after all.
  • 毕竟我们的观点并没有如此大的分歧。
  • 660. We should be able to resolve our differences.
  • 我们需要解决分歧。
  • 661. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow,I think I’ll go shopping.
  • 如果明天不下雨的话,我会去商店。
  • 662. There’s a possibility we’ll go,but it all depends on the weather.
  • 我们有可能去,但是要依天气而定。
  • 663. If I have time tomorrow,I think I’ll get a haircut.
  • 如果我明天有空的话,我会去剪剪头发。
  • 664. I hope I remember to ask the barber not to cut my hair too short.
  • 我希望我能提醒理发师别给我剪得太短。
  • 665. My son wants to be a policeman when he grows up.
  • 我的儿子想长大后当警察。
  • 666. If I get my work finished in time,I’ll leave for New York Monday.
  • 如果我能及时完成我的工作的话,我将在周一去纽约。
  • 667. Suppose you couldn’t go on the trip.How would you feel?
  • 设想一下,如果你不能继续你的旅程,你会有什么感觉?
  • 668. What would you say if I told you I couldn’t go with you?
  • 如果我告诉你我不能和你一起去,你会说什么?
  • 669. If I buy the car,I’ll have to borrow some money.
  • 如果我想买那辆车的话,我需要借些钱。
  • 670. If I went with you,I’d have to be back by six o’clock.
  • 如果我和你一起去的话,我不得不在六点前回来。
  • 671. One of these days,I’d like to take a vacation.
  • 这些天中我将请个假。
  • 672. As soon as I can,I’m going to change jobs.
  • 只要我能,我就想换工作。
  • 673. There’s a chance he won’t be able to be home for Christmas.
  • 这是一个机会,他不能因为圣诞节而回家。
  • 674. We may be able to help you in some way.
  • 我们可能会以某种方式帮助你。
  • 675. If you were to attend the banquet ,what would you wear?
  • 如果你去参加宴会,你想穿什么?
  • 676. What would you have done last night if you hadn’t had to study?
  • 昨天晚上如果你不需要学习的话,你会做什么?
  • 677. I would have gone on the picnic if it hadn’t rained.
  • 如果没有下雨的话,我将会去野炊。
  • 678. If you had gotten up earlier,you would have had time for breakfast.
  • 如果你起的早点的话,你将会有时间吃早餐。
  • 679. If I had had time,I would have called you.
  • 如果我有时间,我就会给你打电话。
  • 680. Would he have seen you if you hadn’t waved to him?
  • 如果你不象他挥手的话,他会不会看见你?
  • 681. If he had only had enough money, he would have bought that house.
  • 如果他能有足够的钱的话,他会买那所房子。
  • 682. I wish you had called me back the next day, as I had asked you to.
  • 可惜你没有按照我的要求,在第二天给我回个电话。
  • 683. If you hadn’t slipped and fallen, you wouldn’t have broken your leg.
  • 如果你没滑跌倒,你就不会摔断了腿。
  • 684. If I have known you want to go, I would have called you.
  • 如果我知道你想去,我本会叫你的。
  • 685. Had I known you didnt have got the key, I wouldnt have locked the door.
  • 如果我知道你没有钥匙,我本不会锁门的。
  • 686. She would have gone with me, but she didnt have time.
  • 她本来想和我一起去,可是她没时间。
  • 687. If I had asked directions, I havent got lost.
  • 如果我问一下路,就不会走丢了。
  • 688. Even if we could have taken the vocation, but we mightnt have wanted to.
  • 即使我们可以休假,我们也可能不去休呢。
  • 689. Evenything would be alright, if you had said that.
  • 如果你没有那样做的话,一切都好办了。
  • 690. Looking back on it, I wish we hadnt been given in so easily.
  • 回过头来看,我希望我们没有这样轻易让步。
  • 691. What is it you don’t like about winter weather?
  • 你为何不喜欢冬天的天气?
  • 692. I don’t like it when the weather gets real cold.
  • 我不喜欢当天气变的很冷的时候.
  • 693. I can’t stand summer weather. 我不能忍受夏天的天气.
  • 694. The thing I don’t like about driving is all the traffic on the road.
  • 我不喜欢开车去是因为路上很拥挤.
  • 695. He doesn’t like the idea of going to bed early.
  • 我不喜欢很早睡觉.
  • 696. I like to play tennis,but I’m not a very good player.
  • 我很喜欢打网球,但是打得不是很好.
  • 697. I don’t like spinach even though I know it’s good for me.
  • 我不喜欢菠菜,即使我知道它对我很有好处.
  • 698. I’m afraid you’re being too particular about your food.
  • 恐怕你所吃的食物太特殊了.
  • 699. He always finds fault with everything.
  • 无论是什么事情,他总能发现错误.
  • 700. She doesn’t like anything I do or say.
  • 无论我做什么说什么,她都不喜欢.
  • 701. You have wonderful taste in clothes. 你对服饰很在行.
  • 702. What’s your favorite pastime? 你最喜欢的娱乐方式是什么?
  • 703. What did you like best about the movie?
  • 你最欣赏这部电影的哪个方面?
  • 704. I didn’t like the taste of the medicine,but I took it anyway.
  • 我不喜欢药的味道,但是无论如何我都会吃掉它.
  • 705. Why do you dislike the medicine so much? 为什么你这么不喜欢药?
  • 706. If you want my advice, I don’t think you should go.
  • 如果你想征求我的意见,我希望你不要去.
  • 707. I suggest that you tear up the letter and start over again.
  • 我建议你把信撕掉,再重新写一遍.
  • 708. It’s only a suggestion, and you can do what you please.
  • 这仅仅是一个建议,这些事情你必须要自己考虑.
  • 709. Let me give you a little fatherly advice. 让我给你个建议.
  • 710. If you don’t like it, I wish you would say so.
  • 如果你不喜欢,我希望你能说出你的意见.
  • 711. Please don’t take offense. I only wanted to tell you what I think.
  • 请别发火.我只是告诉你我的想法.
  • 712. In my opinion,the house isn’t worth the price they’re asking.
  • 依我看,这间房子根本不值他们要的价钱.
  • 713. My feeling is that you ought to stay home tonight.
  • 我觉得你今晚应该呆在家里.
  • 714. It’s none of my business, but I think you ought to work harder.
  • 这件事情和我毫无关系,但是我觉得你应更努力地工作.
  • 715. In general,my reaction is favorable.
  • 总体来说,我的反映还是很受欢迎的.
  • 716. If you don’t take my advice, you’ll be sorry.
  • 如果你不采纳我的建议,你将会后悔.
  • 717. I’ve always tried not to interfere in your affairs.
  • 我总是尽力地不干涉你的工作.
  • 718. I’m old enough to make up my own mind.
  • 我已经大了,可以自己做决定了.
  • 719. Thanks for the advice,but this is something I have to figure out myself.
  • 谢谢你的建议,但是这是件我必须自己去解决的事情.
  • 720. He won’t pay attention to anybody. You’re just wasting your breath.
  • 他谁的建议都不会听.你们仅仅是在白费口舌.
  • 721. Would you please hold the door open for me?
  • 你能帮我把门打开吗?
  • 722. Youre very kind to take the trouble to help me.
  • 你真热心,不闲麻烦的来帮助我.
  • 723. I wish I could repay you somehow for your kindness.
  • 我希望,对你的好意我能有所回报.
  • 724. Im afraid it was a bother for you to do this.
  • 做这件事恐怕会给你带来很多麻烦.
  • 725. It wasnt any bother. I was glad to do it.
  • 一点儿都不麻烦.我很乐意做.
  • 726. Theres just one last favor I need to ask of you.
  • 还有最后一件事需要你的帮助.
  • 727. Id be happy to help you in any way I can.
  • 很高兴我能尽我所能地帮助你.
  • 728. Would you mind giving me a push? My car has stalled.
  • 你能帮我推推车吗?我的车抛锚了.
  • 729. Would you be so kind as to open this window for me? Its stuffy.
  • 你能帮我将窗户打开吗?这里快令人窒息了.
  • 730. If there’s anything else I can do, please let me know.
  • 如果还有我能做的事情,请告诉我.
  • 731. This is the last time Ill ever ask you to do anything for me.
  • 这是最后一次我麻烦你为我做事情了.
  • 732. I certainly didnt intend to cause you so much inconvenience.
  • 我真得不想给你带来这么多不便.
  • 733. He’ll always be indebted to you for what youve done.
  • 对你所做的事情,他总是感激不尽.
  • 734. Could you lend me ten dollars? I left my wallet at home.
  • 能借我十美元吗?我把钱包忘在家里了.
  • 735. Id appreciate it if you would turn out the lights. Im sleepy.
  • 如果你能将灯关掉的话,我将不胜感激.我很困.
  • 736. I didn’t realize the time had passed so quickly.
  • 我没有意识到时间过的这样快.
  • 737. I’ve got a lot of things to do before I can leave.
  • 在我走之前,我有很多事情要做.
  • 738. For one thing, I’ve got to drop by the bank to get some money.
  • 我不得不去银行提些钱.
  • 739. It’ll take almost all my savings to buy the ticket.
  • 买这张票,几乎花费了我所有积蓄.
  • 740. Oh,I just remembered something! I have to apply for a passport.
  • 我记起一件事.我不得不去申请个护照.
  • 741. I almost forgot to have the phone disconnected.
  • 我差点忘记去切断电话了.
  • 742. It’s a good thing you reminded me to take my heavy coat.
  • 你提醒我带件厚衣服是个很好的建议.
  • 743. I never would have thought of it if you hadn’t mentioned it.
  • 如果你不提到它的话,我几乎想不起来了.
  • 744. I’ll see you off at the airport. 我会去机场送你.
  • 745. They’re calling your flight now. You barely have time to make it.
  • 他们现在在广播你的班机起飞时间.你勉强来得及.
  • 746. You’d better run or you’re going to be left behind.
  • 你最好跑着过去,否则就会被拉下.
  • 747. Don’t forget to cable to let us know you arrived safely.
  • 你安全到达后,别忘记告诉我们.
  • 748. I’m sure I’ve forgotten something, but it’s too late now.
  • 我确定我忘记了什么东西,但是现在太晚了.
  • 749. Do you have anything to declare for customs?
  • 你有什么需要报关的吗?
  • 750. You don’t have to pay any duty on personal belongings.
  • 你的私人物品不用交税.
  • 751. What’s your nationality? Are you American?
  • 你是哪国人?是美国人吗?
  • 752. What part of the world do you come from?
  • 你来自世界的何处?
  • 753. I’m an American by birth.
  • 我一出生就是美国人。
  • 754. I was born in Spain, but I’m a citizen of France.
  • 我出生在西班牙,但我是法国公民。
  • 755. Do you know what the population of Japan is?
  • 你知道日本有多少人口吗?
  • 756. What’s the area of the Congo in square miles?
  • 刚果的面积是多少平方英里?
  • 757. Who is the governor of this state?
  • 谁是该州的州长?
  • 758. According to the latest census, our population has increased.
  • 根据最近的人口调查,我们的人口增加了。
  • 759. Politically, the country is divided into fifty states.
  • 该国从政治上划为50个州。
  • 760. The industrial area is centered largely in the north.
  • 工业区大部份集中在北方。
  • 761. The country is rich in natural resources. It has mineral deposits.
  • 该国的自然资源丰富,它有矿藏。
  • 762. This nation is noted for its economic stability.
  • 该国以经济稳定而出名。
  • 763. How old do you have to be to vote in the national elections?
  • 你多大才有全国选举权。
  • 764. Today we celebrate our day of independence.It’s a national holiday.
  • 今天,我们庆祝我们的独立节,它也是国庆节。
  • 765. My home is in the capital. It’s a cosmopolitan city.
  • 我的家在首都,它是一个世界性的大城市。
  • 766. Geographically,this country is located in the southern hemisphere.
  • 从地理上看,这个国家位于南半球.
  • 767. It’s a beautiful country with many large lakes.
  • 这是一个有着若干大湖的美丽的国家.
  • 768. This part of the country is very mountainous.
  • 这个国家的这部分由众多的山脉覆盖.
  • 769. The land in this region is dry and parched.
  • 这个地区的土地干旱且贫瘠.
  • 770. Along the northern coast there are many high cliffs.
  • 北海岸有很多高高的山崖.
  • 771. There are forests here,and lumbering is important.
  • 这里有很多森林,因此伐木业很重要.
  • 772. The scenery is beautiful near the Pacific Ocean.
  • 太平洋附近的景色很漂亮.
  • 773. This mountain range has many high peaks and deep canyons.
  • 这座山有众多的高峰和低谷.
  • 774. what kind of climate do you haved?Is it mild?
  • 你们那的气候怎样?潮湿吗?
  • 775. How far is it from the shore of the Atlantic to the mountains?
  • 从大西洋海岸到山区有多远?
  • 776. Is the coastal plain good for farming?
  • 这种海边的平原有利于农业吗?
  • 777. What’s the longest river in the United States?
  • 美国最长的河是什么?
  • 778. Are most of the lakes located in the north central region?
  • 大部分湖泊是不是在北部的中心地区.
  • 779. As you travel westward,does the land get higher?
  • 你去西部旅行时,是不是地势越来越高?
  • 780. The weather is warm and sunny here.Do you get much rain?
  • 这里天气781. Children enter school at the age of five,don’t they?
  • 孩子们到五岁时就上学,是吗?
  • 782. In elementary school, the child learns to read and write.
  • 孩子们在小学里学习读和写.
  • 783. In secondary school, children get more advanced knowledge.
  • 在中学里,孩子们得到更高的教育.
  • 784. In universities,students train to become teachers and engineers.
  • 在大学里学生们被培训为老师和工程师.
  • 785. He went to grade school in New york and high school in Cicargo.
  • 他在纽约上小学,在芝加哥上中学.
  • 786. In college I majored in science. What was your major?
  • 大学里我的专业是科学.你呢?
  • 787. My sister graduated from high school.Graduation was last night.
  • 我姐姐从中学毕业.毕业晚会在昨晚举行.
  • 788. I’m a graduate of Yale University.I have a Bachelor of Arts degree.
  • 我是一名耶鲁大学的毕业生.我获得了艺术学士学位.
  • 789. If you expect to enter the university, you should apply now.
  • 如果你想上大学的话,你现在就应申请.
  • 790. This is my first year of college. I’m a freshman.
  • 这是我大学的第一年.我是新生.
  • 791. My uncle is a high school principal. 我的叔叔是一名中学校长.
  • 792. What kind of grades did you make in college? 你在大学中成绩如何?
  • 793. During your first year of college, did you make straight As?
  • 在大学的第一年里,你是不是优秀学生?
  • 794. My brother is a member of the faculty.He teaches economics.
  • 我的哥哥是一名教员.他教经济.
  • 795. John has extracurricular activities. He’s on the football team.
  • 约翰有许多课外活动.他是一名足球队员.
  • 796. I’m a federal employee. I work for the Department of Labor.
  • 我是一名联邦雇员.我在劳动部门工作.
  • 797. What kind of work do you do? Are you a saleman?
  • 你从事什么工作?是不是销售员?
  • 798. As soon as I complete my training,I’m going to be a bank teller.
  • 一旦我完成了我的训练,我将成为出纳员.
  • 799. John has built up his own business.He owns a hotel.
  • 约翰已经有了自己的生意.他有一个旅馆.
  • 800. What do you want to be when you grow up?
  • 你长大后想做什么?

